James Baldwin’ Nigger Dick Gregory
The 43 minute video of a panel of actors, writers, comedians, and entertainers, entertain the topic of racism in America in 1969. James Baldwin does most of the talking in the video and answering the questions. One of the questions asked was which was better, black power or integration?
Baldwin claimed both were necessary. I agree in the sense that black power needs to maintain it’s focus. The focus should be based on increasing the political, economical, spiritual, and psychological mindset of the entire people and race.
These things need to be done first for the people to understand the next step, which would be integration; a controlled integration.
In the field of equality, of justice, and of freedom, Baldwin as well as the others, only wish to make (white) Americans aware or conscious. White America should be made conscious of their unconscious behavior towards the oppressed people of the nation.
These oppressed people, often thought of as black or negro, are also partnered with other oppressed in America, mainly poor whites.

Why Negro and not Blackman?
Another question brought up in the video was why does James call the “African American” a “NEGRO” and not a blackman?
James replied, in summary, the names he uses are not names he created. Instead, they are names that were given to him by the kidnappers and robbers. These robber stole the “NEGRO” from his native continent of Africa.
Enjoy the video of this Black Radical, James Baldwin.